IV Hydration

Hydration is essential to keeping your body healthy, but it can be difficult to stay properly hydrated through oral supplementation alone. Fortunately, IV therapy allows you to get the fluids your body needs quickly and easily. IV hydration can be administered in a medical spa, urgent care center or at home using a portable IV pump.

IV Therapy Benefits

The human body is composed of 60% water, but staying hydrated can be challenging. If you’re suffering from dehydration symptoms like dry skin or achy joints and muscles, IV therapy can help. IV hydration can also provide a number of other benefits, including boosting energy levels, improving skin complexion and providing a mental clarity IV Hydration.

Most people aren’t aware that the majority of their body’s cells are sensitive to dehydration. This includes the cells that make up the skin, which can result in dryness and wrinkling. It can also lead to achy or tired muscles and affect joint function. When the kidneys and liver aren’t getting enough hydration, it can have a negative effect on the functioning of these important organs as well.

IV therapy works to hydrate the body’s cells and provide the fluids that are necessary for the kidneys and liver to function properly. Additionally, the IV fluids can provide a range of other important nutrients like B vitamins and antioxidants, which can aid in reducing free radical damage to cells and slowing down the aging process.

There are a variety of packages available to choose from, including those that can include an anti-nausea medication, pain reliever or heartburn relief medication. Many people who have chronic illnesses such as Crohn’s disease, short bowel syndrome and cystic fibrosis use IV hydration to keep their vitamin levels up.

You can even customize your IV package with add-ins to target specific needs. For example, if you know that you’re deficient in vitamin B12, you can request to have it added into your drip.

During the treatment, healthcare professionals will clean and sanitize a vein to insert a tube, called a cannula, into your arm or hand. After the cannula is in place, they will attach tubing to it and the cannula will be connected to a bag of IV fluids that will be delivered to your body through the needle.

Once the IV fluids are in your body, they will begin to work immediately. Once your body has taken the amount of fluid that it requires, any excess will be excreted through natural metabolic processes. The positive effects from the fluid’s electrolytes and minerals will last long after your body has excreted any excess fluid. Typically, IV therapy can be used for up to two days at a time before you need another session. However, the results you see will vary. A series of IV therapy sessions may be needed to achieve the most optimal results.

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